The Jondachi River corridor supports an incredible array of riparian biodiversity in a critical ecological transition zone between the Andes and the Amazon in the UNESCO Sumaco Biosphere Reserve. The rugged terrain of its jungle canyons has preserved its habitat and ecosystem by protecting it from human developments. The Jondachi River is alive with native wildlife, fish, birds, amphibians, and tropical plants. In addition to the bountiful populations of exotic insects and butterflies, the river is home to larger animals like river otters, ocelot, tapir, and the elusive Andean deer. Here is a glimpse of what you can see along the Jondachi River:
Also, here are some examples of a few of the native fish species found in the Upper Jondachi River during the total of 3-days of field work that was carried out for the Environmental Impact Assessment for the La Merced de Jondachi hydroelectric project. (Source: EIAD, Proyecto Hidroeléctrico La Merced de Jondachi, 2010)
Apart from the fishes and aquatic life, I would like to point out that this region is very rich in bird life.The destruction of the forest is a constant threat to this and we should all keep that in mind.